Saturday, June 24, 2006

Udupi Police gets Mobile Forensic Science Laboratory

Udupi Police gets Mobile Forensic Science Laboratory

The Udupi Police was today issued with a new Mobile Forensic Science Laboratory called Darshak. The new vehicle is incorporated with the latest equipment to assist the District Clues Team at any scene of offence in lifting finger prints, foot prints and other clues from the scenes of offence, sampling of blood, explosives, narcotics and other substances, sketching scene of offence etc. The vehicle is fitted with an inbuilt generator for continuous power supply. This vehicle will now enable the Clues team to reach any scene of offence quickly and analyze material on the spot to help the investigators with further course of investigation. One ASI and one Head Constable have been specially trained in handling the equipment. Further training to the team will be undertaken in the district itself.


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.